Born in Pittsburgh, raised the only brown eyed girl in a blue eyed family of six, learned the art of Norman Maclean, Joan Didion and Harry Potter from a favorite magazine journalism professor, studied Italian sculpture and ballet during an eye-opening, carb-binging semester in Florence, moved to New York City without a job to become a writer, found a sublet, a waitressing job (and a weird roommate who kept nail polish in the fridge), got a job at InStyle, became a proud Aunt to 10 nieces and nephews, embraced red lipstick, moved to Brooklyn, got stranded in the French Quarter on a rainy afternoon, said goodbye to magazines and hello to copywriting (never looked back), bought a vintage emerald velvet love seat, lost a grandma, gained a life-long mentor, fell in love in Fire Island, slept in a dreamy cabin in Big Sur, got a 100 pound bernese mountain dog named MOOSE, danced on the streets in Cuba, watched my best friend get married, moved to Texas (yeehaw ya’ll), wrote this letter.
It’s so nice to meet you.